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Old 08-03-2007, 04:36 PM
Reginald Rutledge's Avatar
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Default I Need Some Clarification

Okay, what are we trying to do? There's one opinion of a national set of rules where we all play one way? Then there's the opinion of having multiple tournaments where everyone will be obligated to play in all the different formats for 4-5 days? Then there's the proposal of different formats all on the same weekend (3-day) and you chose the style of play you would like to play under. Then there's the final opinion of having demonstrations for onlookers by each style of play host/committee and not really crowning any champions in any area? And then are we talking about some "Clash of the Greatest Champions"? and no one else is able to get in on that?

Is there any other ways? Somebody enlighten me? Mark Robin, I begged to differ on your comment earlier. I don't think that I am the sharpest knife in the drawer!

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Old 08-03-2007, 04:51 PM
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Default re

The whole rules question is a tough one.
There are some guys that have played the same way forever, then there are some that are willing to try out the newest thing. Which one is the right way? I am not sure.
There is always the method of a vote on each and every rule . Let everyone vote for each rule . For example, stop or non stop and if so how many stops? This would take quite a long time to get sorted out . Maybe it would be worth it.
I think what we need to do is find a common ground and work from there , that could be the rules or even which direction you want to take the game , more traditional or emmulate real football . This might split the ef community . As a group are we willing to come to common ground , even if this means that we all would have to compromise ? Some more than others.
League play starts fall of 2010

Last edited by jeff : 08-03-2007 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:03 PM
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Default reg

One weekend with 6 tourney's on the ticket, coaches can play in each tourney or the one they choose. Each tourney will have their alloted time.
This game between don smith and peatros is a special segment, coaches know of their legend and it is a game they would like to see. Don has 26 championships and wins by huge margins if he likes, peatros has been winning games 80 something to 20 or whatever. These two great champs never faced each other. I thought it would be great for the ef community to see 2 masters at work. I never saw either play, i just know of their legend. I tell everybody michael robertson is the best coach i ever saw play. I had plans for the future for mike to play the kid, "dc smith" ! They are 2 of the classiest guys in the world and that would be a great game also.

coaches, what matchup would be of interest to you, who would you like to see get it on.

mantaray offices
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:21 PM
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Default So how does one go about marketing that?

I kinda am of the "Jerry Jones School of Thought" on that. My time and efforts would be very limited to marketing too much past the Texas Shootout venue. Time does not warrant me going too much further than that.

I've found that usually a few do ALL the work and the many benefit or criticize. It will be interesting to see this come off and how gys will market this.

Very interesting days ahead....

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Old 08-03-2007, 05:26 PM
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Default In My humble opinion

I feel that if this event is marketed right ....this could be the oppurtunity to finally get the TV coverage that we are all looking to get but the marketing has to be right.......i mean who hypes their style of play more than Mr. Rutledge who has all the paegentry,stadiums,internet televised games.....etc.etc. now i maybe speaking out of turn but if this is presented right...we maybe looking ESPN and OThers in the face ...just my two cents
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:46 PM
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Default I Thought Each Tourney Would Market Themselves

Reg, I thought each tourney would handle their own marketing for that weekend. I dont think one guy/tourney should carry the load.
Any thoughts let me know.

mantaray offices.
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Old 08-03-2007, 06:04 PM
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Default I Totally Agree

Those are my thoughts...

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Old 08-04-2007, 12:58 PM
Orleanian In Exile Orleanian In Exile is offline
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Originally Posted by jeff priest View Post
The whole rules question is a tough one.
There are some guys that have played the same way forever, then there are some that are willing to try out the newest thing. Which one is the right way? I am not sure.
There is always the method of a vote on each and every rule . Let everyone vote for each rule . For example, stop or non stop and if so how many stops? This would take quite a long time to get sorted out . Maybe it would be worth it.
I think what we need to do is find a common ground and work from there , that could be the rules or even which direction you want to take the game , more traditional or emmulate real football . This might split the ef community . As a group are we willing to come to common ground , even if this means that we all would have to compromise ? Some more than others.
I think that a useful lesson can be drawn from the toy soldier wargamming hobby.

Consider: in miniature wargamming, you have multiple historical periods or even fantasy settings in which gaming scenarios are played, with a plethora of rules systems accomodating not only style of play but period. Additionally, there are rules sets and game systems which aim for maximum detail recreation of a battle or fast play for quick resolution. On top of this, you have multiple scales for figures ranging from 6mm to 54mm. Toy soldier gamers will meet at wargammes conventions or science fiction/fantasy conventions and congregate for an entire weekend's worth of miniature combat without the slightest concern as to which period the other gamers are running or which rules sets are in force at any given table.

It might be feasible to set up tournaments in which multiple rule/play systems are accomodated, with contestants able to compete and win championships in a given category. Not only would this eliminate the worry about whether Miggle or Buzzball or MPFL should be the guiding standard for the event (or which is the "superior" system for the hobby), but more people would be able to see how the different game systems work and what level of play they accomodate, which would be educational not only for players but non-participating attendees who are indulging their curiosity and learning about the hobby.

Just as there are no turf battles in miniature hobby wargamming over which rule set, period, or figure scale should reign supreme, and none in the model railroading hobby over train scales, there really is no reason why the hobby of electric football cannot accomodate multiple categories of play. Variety can only help the hobby grow.
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Old 08-05-2007, 08:30 AM
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Default Hindenburg

We can't let this spin out of control.

From the sound of it, things were pretty awesome so far, don't try and do too much too fast.

Go Steelers!!!
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Old 08-05-2007, 11:09 AM
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hey RR, my comment on the "sharpest knife" was about me, you know me, im always postin here at 3 or 4 in the morning when i cant sleep, what i meant by that was, i had obviously overlooked the whole MFCA join up thing, i really didnt know there was an association, i just thought this was a really cool message forum, hope that clarifies that. hope to see you guys at TSO.
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