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Old 09-27-2007, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New Castle, Pa.
Posts: 1,756

Great replies. The reason I asked this question is I am losing my nephews interest in the game. They want more scoring. We started playing a multi-stop rules but now I am coming up with defenses that king of prevents them from scoring on every down. They both play organized football so they know that scoring on every drive is almost unheard of. But they reply that MF is just a game. I told them not for me it's a hobby. So,they wanted to play that an engaged defender can't make a tackle. I told them it would be TOO lopsided for the offense. Then I suggested front of base tackling. I guess we are going to have to experiment. Keep the responses coming.
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Old 09-27-2007, 08:54 AM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default From the mouth of Babes

Well this multi stop ( MPFL ) Is just what the doctor ordered.

With FOB tackling this makes the game play like just what thay see and play. Children have a way of seeing the right and truth in things that most adults don't want to see and get upset when someone points it out to them.

Now Multi stop is not an accurate name, it suggest that there is no limit to the number of times the board is stopped.

One must understand the reason WHY you stop the board, and that is to react for the players, pass, or hand the ball off. There is a time limit of 20 seconds to get it done.

The board stops at a pre determined time, 1 second, 1.3, or .7, .8 etc . There is a limit to the number of times the board is stopped. There is a traid off from controling the board to controling your players.This brings balance and fairness to both sides.

Originally Posted by NEW CASTLE HiTMEN View Post
Great replies. The reason I asked this question is I am losing my nephews interest in the game. They want more scoring. We started playing a multi-stop rules but now I am coming up with defenses that king of prevents them from scoring on every down. They both play organized football so they know that scoring on every drive is almost unheard of. But they reply that MF is just a game. I told them not for me it's a hobby. So,they wanted to play that an engaged defender can't make a tackle. I told them it would be TOO lopsided for the offense. Then I suggested front of base tackling. I guess we are going to have to experiment. Keep the responses coming.
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 09-27-2007, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by NEW CASTLE HiTMEN View Post
Great replies. The reason I asked this question is I am losing my nephews interest in the game. They want more scoring. We started playing a multi-stop rules but now I am coming up with defenses that king of prevents them from scoring on every down. They both play organized football so they know that scoring on every drive is almost unheard of. But they reply that MF is just a game. I told them not for me it's a hobby. So,they wanted to play that an engaged defender can't make a tackle. I told them it would be TOO lopsided for the offense. Then I suggested front of base tackling. I guess we are going to have to experiment. Keep the responses coming.
If you allowed this to happen, there would be very little tackles made in a game......
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Old 09-27-2007, 09:28 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New Castle, Pa.
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I only stop the board once maybe twice during a play. My nephews stop it numerouse times. I tweak all the bases so what they want a player to do may not be what that base is tweaked for.

There is alot of scoring when we play but thats the only way to keep them interested. It's like eleven man Arena Football.
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Old 09-27-2007, 09:44 AM
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Scoring is what keeps young kids involved. Eventually they will grab on to the complexities of the game as they tire of scoring on every play and desire a more competitive challenge. My 4 year old plays with me and sometimes its my 11 against 24. Talk about a challenge! Try running on that. But the key is he is having fun and I can still test my skill following the basic rules to see if i can get through his stack, blitz, cover 2, zone, man on man defense. LOL

One thing I learned from the Texas Shootout rules that would help in FOB is that the defense controls the switch on any run play and if you don't switch it off on time it's just too darn bad. It worked extremely well and there were more then a few times that I unintentionally let the RB get an extra few yards because I didn't hit the switch.
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 09-27-2007, 10:20 AM
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Michigan Joe Michigan Joe is offline
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New Castle,
I hear ya man my 6 1/2 year old boy loves to play, but doesn't like it when his offense is stopped. I've made up rules that I tell him are the "kids rules".

1) When he is on offense he controls the board!
2) He can stop the board whenever he wants for adjustments, defense can adjust too.
3) FOB tackling
4) He gets to audible (angle) any and all eligable WR/RB, whereas the adults defense can only adjust 1 guy.
5) I hold the base of the TTQB for throws (kids get 2 tries) or they can attempt to use sticks
6) Kids get to do kick returns
7) Adults get none of these crutches, only KIDS
8) The games last 1-2 series and then its on to 2 new teams if he wants to keep going.

I look at it as "arcade style" rules. In fact, I enoy it very much because it puts pressure on my D and my O still has to perform to whatever style I'm practicing against. I love it when he plays, and his little friends go crazy for the game when they come over. He can now set up his own plays, knows all the positions, uses strategy...its just so cool to see.

"Ask not what the MFCA can do for you, but what you can do for the MFCA"
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Old 09-27-2007, 11:45 AM
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Default Father Son league

My son (9 yrs old) and I currently run the NDEFL - has gotten me back into EF and is great fun for us to do together.

Check our site:

He also plays with his friends when to come over - a league for them is next on our agenda. Maybe they will hire me on as commish
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