I know I got some great ideas watching your videos.
Originally Posted by Electric Coach
It’s all about the amount of time that you put into your team. Every team that I build starts the way it was seen on Electric Coach Combine. A 10-minute time constraint keeps me from showing more. I do run my teams on my metal boards as well. I have a 500 model, a 600 model, and a 620 model. They were shown in the Federation video.
In regards to the team playing as a unit, I require that my players especially my defensive players stay in their assigned lanes. When players stay in their lanes, the chances of them running into each other is reduced tremendously. Lane assignment also reduces the dreaded stalemate that occurs when the players become bunched. Lane assignment mainly applies to players inside the box. Also plays execute faster when players are assigned lanes. I strive to execute plays between 3 to 4 seconds.
The Electric Coach